FreeSerf AmigaOS 4.1.6

Thanks to Joel forth the info/video :)

I wonder if it will have the same bug that windows had?
If you were close enough to the border you could connect a flag and start draining the enemies resources.

FreeSerf AmigaOS 4.1.6

Thanks to Joel forth the info/video :)

I wonder if it will have the same bug that windows had?
If you were close enough to the border you could connect a flag and start draining the enemies resources.

Sometimes the amiga recognizies my ram board, some very basic memory tests are passing

So I’m starting to make some progress here, but I still have some troubles with my expansion board prototype.

For the first time, the initial exec-rom-based check passed, and the memory auto-configured.  This happens occasionally on powerup.

Also, memtest is running a quick memory check and passing it with zero errors, but I really think it’s because it’s not doing a comprehensive test.

Troubleshooting is ongoing……….


JAmiga 1.2

  • By: JAmiga
  • Posted on: 4 November 2013

JAmiga 1.2 is currently in os4depot's upload queue. After its been approved and uploaded, I will add the update to AmiUpdate -- so you who already have v 1.1 installed can wait for the AmiUpdate update.

This is a full release: all required components are in the archive. Future updates of the individual components will be available with AmiUpdate as usual.

Assist 1.62

Assist 1.62 is now available to download from OS4Depot. This minor update includes a new tutorial.
New users can grab the latest version from OS4Depot, while existing users can update to this latest release via AmiUpdate.

Amiga Guru Meditation number 00000003.00C06560

Found a bad flip/flip replaced it, and now I’m on my way.

The amiga appears to be getting past the initial boot stages including the ram memory checks! I see the blue screen, and the disk drives starts loading workbench but crashes soon.

If anyone can tell me the exact meaning of this guru, that would really help me.

I’m pretty sure this means address error at that address, but that isn’t horribly helpful.  I mean, does this mean a write failed, a read failed, something associated with that address, what?
