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Assist 1.01

Assist 1.01 is now available to download from OS4Depot.

This update features various minor bug fixes, 20 new articles and some updated ones.

A600: Mounting HxC & Floppy Internally (Part 2)

Hey folks,

As I'm waiting for some stuff from eBay I couldn't just sit back and just do nothing :)
First of all, what I didn't like is the fact that the 26pin connector on the slim floppy drive doesn't have a MOTORLED signal as the Amiga drives but instead it has an onboard LED.
Since I wanted to have LED activity when the floppy was running, I just picked the LED signals at first just to have them for later usage.

Sadly it's not so easy to capture the wires I soldered in the LED header inside but here we go...

Assist 1.0

Assist 1.0 is now available to download from OS4Depot.
This is the 30th release of Assist, which now includes over 300 articles to help you get the most out of your Amiga!
As well as the numerous bug fixes and refinements, version 1.0 sees the introduction of step-by-step tutorials, logging and improved preferences for customising Assist's behaviour.

HD Audio driver released for X1000

It was with a lot of excitement that I keenly fired up my X1000 today to download the recently released HD Audio driver for the X1000.

So why the interest in the new X1000 audio driver? Well, the X1000 comes delivered with an internal Audio card on the motherboard supporting 7.1 channel audio, but until today it didn't work with the AmigaOS4.1 audio drivers. The reason for this is because the older AmigaOS4.1 drivers is for audio cards based on the old AC97 Audio card standard.

AmiWest 2013 Theme Announced

AmiWest  planners  have  debated  and discussed the theme for our show this
year.   It  should be something that we haven't done or emphasized much, if
that's  possible  in the 16th year of the show.  And it should be something
with wider appeal to encourage attendance.

So  our  theme this year is AMIGA COMMUNITY 2013 - the AmiVerse.  Now what,
you may be asking, is so novel about that?!?  Isn't that what we always do?

Custom Greek Support on OS3.9

Hey my fellow Amigans... most of you won't even bother reading this article as it contains info about Greek support on OS3.9 only.
For the Greek readers though... it can be informative though so here goes :)

First of all, OS3.9, comes by default with many Localization language packs (including Greek) from the official Haage-Partner's website which you can check out here:
