Statement on lack of site updates

I just wanted to acknowledge to everyone that I know there has been a lack of updates since May of this year.   Unfortunately “life” has gotten in the way, both personally and professionally, so I no longer have the time to make frequent updates.

Hopefully that will change in the future! In the meantime this site will be kept online as a resource for Amiga users.  I will try to fix the links to the broken pages soon.

Thanks for your understanding! :)

Statement on lack of site updates

I just wanted to acknowledge to everyone that I know there has been a lack of updates since May of this year.   Unfortunately “life” has gotten in the way, both personally and professionally, so I no longer have the time to make frequent updates.

Hopefully that will change in the future! In the meantime this site will be kept online as a resource for Amiga users.  I will try to fix the links to the broken pages soon.

Thanks for your understanding! :)

Its all about the details

Well some work on my hobby, its all about the details.
I'm going back to basic's I know many people like it simple, and are not so interested in all PNG images fancy bling bling, so going back to old colors and styles.

Address Unknown

Finally all the normal addressing modes are done in this update. As I mentioned in the previous post: the final missing pieces were the 68020 (complex) addressing modes.
This took me lot longer than I expected. Not just because these addressing modes are complicated, but also because memory reading is involved.

v1.3 coming closer..

Sorry for not blogging so much anymore, but time is a limited value these days ;).

Paolo keeps me pushing for a new version, so you have to thank him. Otherwise I would be too lazy most likely.

So far quite a few bugs have been fixed for the next version:

JamVM running, albeit with a limp

  • By: JAmiga
  • Posted on: 4 October 2012

I've been battling with pthreads and signals. I couldn't seem to get Amiga processes and signaling system to function correctly using a simple pthread mapping. I should've figured this, since there is no simple pluginable replacement. There is the AmigaOS 4 pthread implementation, but it doesn't seem to take signals into consideration.
