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Dual Displays on X1000

As regular followers of my blog will know, I have a dual video card setup on my AmigaOne X1000 - a Radeon 9250 PCI and the Radeon HD card included in the X1000. The 9250 card is used to play games that require hardware 3D acceleration until the Radeon HD 3D hardware drivers are available.

However, until now I have had to feed VGA and DVI connections to one display and switch modes on the monitor....but no longer (click to expand):

After the second year

Well, here we are again. Another year had passed - namely the second - since I started the project.

Obviously, it is not done yet, otherwise you would see Dancing Bananas around the blog. But we are slowly getting there. There are outstanding bugs and yet a fair share of work is to be done.
Since we passed the first year I gave up giving any estimate on how long will this take. As it seems I am pretty bad in estimates. Yet I hope that third is the charm! :)

Until then: Keep calm and Amiga On!

Fixing the Boot sound on my X1000

On the first day I received my X1000 (last year) and powered it up for the first time, I notice the boot sound it plays was scratchy and sounded terrible.

Because it was annoying I immediately disabled the command that runs the boot sound, which is located in System:s/startup-sequence. The line in question is shown below while editing the file in Notepad:

Watch for the LED

Since there were too many complaints (too many > 2) about that it is hard to tell whether the JIT compiled code is active or not, I decided to implement a small on-screen indicator for it in this tiny update.

How does it work?

I extended the already available on-screen status line with one more "LED" which says: JIT.
If you turn on the OSD status line by adding the following lines into the configuration:

When things go bogo

I came around fixing the reported issue with the enabled bogomem (fake Fast Ram) setting, you can find the simple fix in the recent update:

  • Fixed MOVEA.W reg,Ax - source data was not sign-extended

Now the Kickstart starts with both bogomem enabled or disabled configuration.
