Grind: new demo "Darkenward East v0.3"
More breaking news of Amiga gaming: Spectacular low-end first person shooter "Grind", formerly known as "Dread", just got a new demo release.
More breaking news of Amiga gaming: Spectacular low-end first person shooter "Grind", formerly known as "Dread", just got a new demo release.
A pretty spectacular Breakout type of game for AmigaOS4.
More arcade ports, a fun snake game, a game for the little ones, and a harddisc load of mini-games/demos.
Platformers, arcade ports, shoot-em-ups - and a chaotic multiplayer game for up to six human players!
In October 2022, full version 1.0 of "Minky", a seriously cute looking platformer game, was released. By December 2022, version 1.4 was released, with a couple of bugfixes and enhancements, e.g. you can now select joystick-up or 2nd-button for jumping.
"Denise" is a new Amiga (and C64) emulator for Windows, MacOS, and Linux. And it's surprisingly good!
Development of "Denise" seems to date back to around 2017, when it started as a Commodore 64 emulator. In March 2023 author PiCiJi released version 2.0, which adds Amiga 500 and 1000 emulation. Running Fedora Linux, I gave it a quick try.
Previously unreleased games, ported games, spin-off games, in-game games, original games!
"Red 41 The Silent Death" by Digital Warp is an unfinished game that only got a preview back in 1993. Roughly thirty years later, then-developer-team-member Daniele Pomposelli has dug out the latest available version from his private archives.
A selection of software titles that have been updated during the last months.
In February 2023, HippoPlayer was updated to version 2.56.
Also in February, version 3.5.091 of web browser "AWeb" was recompiled with the (then) latest (compare below) version of AmiSSL for improved https support.
As always, lots of stuff happening: fantasy dungeons galore, a literally "classic" platformer, and, yes, a new 3D racing game!