Articles from Amiga Alive

AmigaOS 3.2.2 update is out!

AmigaOS is undoubtedly alive, as proven by Hyperion Entertainment and AmigaOS developer team, who have just released another update.

In a nutshell, this update brings improvements and fixes to IconEdit, ShowConfig, TextEdit, RAM disk, several gadgets (listbrowser, sketchboard, layout), window.class, boards.library, and a couple of other things.

Check out Hyperion's press release for full information and download:

S-Video is awesome!

Over the last decades I've tried countless different setups in order to properly capture the Amiga's video output. Pretty much all of them were unsatisfactory, way too expensive (think A4000 plus V-Lab Motion or PAR). Old PC analogue capture cards give quite good results, but device drivers and PCI slots for these are getting really rare. So - finally! - I've decided to drop my attempts with the Composite video connection, and build an S-Video adapter for the Amiga.

57 new links in the AMIGA alive Web Directory

Happy New Year! The AMIGA alive Web Directory got updated with 57 new links and a round of corrections - now 529 websites listed.

As always, if you're looking for something specific, make sure to check the "Misc / Mixed" section, as some websites cover multiple different subjects, e.g. software authors may have created very different applications. And/or try your browser's text-search functions to find keywords like application names, authors, game titles, etc.

Please leave a comment if you spot errors, broken links, or would like to see a (your?) website listed.

WinUAE, IBrowse, AmigaAMP updated

Great christmas gifts for Amiga users of all kinds! WinUAE, IBrowse, and AmigaAMP have received (sometimes substantial) updates.

WinUAE 4.10.0

WinUAE is the king of Amiga emulation. You can read about all the details on WinUAE's homepage, but here's the big one in this latest release: 100% cycle accuracy! Oh wow, this is a blessing not just for hardcore classic gamers and sceners, but for all Amiga software developers. Very good!

Games galore #33: Maria Renard's Revenge, Karate Champ 500, Spheroid, Farmiga, GermZ

Is this a coronavirus-lockdown effect? Developers seem to have become increasingly productive - in 2022, new Amiga games have been and still are popping up like mushrooms after a warm, rainy day.


Maria Renard's Revenge

Pretty much whenever you hear something French, you can be sure it has beauty and taste. ("French fries" ;-) ) This is certainly true for this outstandingly beautiful new game, which is currently under development by DomKid. 
