Articles from Amiga Alive

P96 3.2.1 is out!

Jens Schoenfeld / Individual Computers says Merry Christmas with an update to P96 (Picasso96) that happens to match AmigaOS's latest version number.

According to the announcement (see link below), it's a bugfix release that addresses many little issues that were reported by users via P96's support forum.

Among the changes are updates to blitter emulation, improved use of hardware sprites (mouse pointer) that increases performance, and added support for the ZZ9000 graphics cards' dual-palette feature, removing artifacts when dragging Intuition screens.

AmigaOS 3.2.1 is out!

Great news from the operating system side of Amiga things: Hyperion has released AmigaOS update 3.2.1, for registered users, and for free.

In a press release published on 21st Dec. 2021 the availability of the first update to AmigaOS 3.2 was announced, along with a list of highlighted features:

Coronavirus cancels "Interface XXIX" event

Once again public health takes precedence over retro computing.

Due to increased spread of the coronavirus in Germany, an in accordance with expected restrictions to public life, the "Interface XXIX" event by Vintage Computer Club (VCC), Amiga-Club Schleswig-Holstein (ACSH) and Computer-Club Klausdorf (CCK) to be held in Kiel on Nov. 27th 2021, was cancelled.

No substitute event (online stream, ...) is planned - but the organisers already promised to create a new event and send out invitations once the situation is back to normal.

Happy anniversary, Easy1541!

Ok, not reeeally Amiga, but then still very Amiga, is Fabrizio Farenga's Easy1541 website.

If you ever considered somehow doing something useful with your Amiga regarding the C64, it might have been to build an Easy1541-compatible cable, connect the Amiga to a Commodore 1541 5.25 inch floppy drive, and modify disk contents using Fabrizio's "Easy1541" software (see links below).

Prevue Guide guru meditation live on air

One of the strengths of the Amiga - at the time - was that it generates a "native" PAL/NTSC video signal, compatible with that of any home TV, making it naturally suited for video and broadcasting production. 

AMIGA alive software: xiffview 0.5

Yet another update of IFF ILBM imageviewer xiffview for Linux computers. Now it can double- or triple-scale image, display individual bitplanes, give color information, and a couple of other features have been added.

xiffview is slowly turning into quite a usable tool. In addition to the aforementioned, it also got a brand new status bar for user messages, a rudimentary online help, and it displays pixel coordinates when the mouse moves over the image.
