Two Blogs Becomes One

Hi everyone, Today I’d like to inform you that I’ve decided to merge my two blogs into one. This means that Gaming on AmigaOS 4 will become part of Old School Game Blog. I have transferred the content so that you can find all blog posts from Gaming on AmigaOS 4 on this site. The […]

AmigaOS 4 Monthly Roundup – October 2022

AmigaOS 4 News – October 2022 Hi there, Thanks for visiting my blog, and welcome to the 10th edition of the AmigaOS 4 Monthly Roundup! This edition has been published on my main website, Old School Game Blog, first. The reason is that I’m considering merging the two blogs since I want to save some […]

AmigaOS 4 Monthly Roundup – October 2022

AmigaOS 4 News – October 2022 Hi there, Thanks for visiting my blog, and welcome to the 10th edition of the AmigaOS 4 Monthly Roundup! This edition has been published on my main website, Old School Game Blog, first. The reason is that I’m considering merging the two blogs since I want to save some […]

AquAbyss on Amiga 3000

 This week saw the release of a new commercial Adventure game for the Classic Amiga called AquAbyss by developers Aged Code, which is delivered over the network your Amiga and utilises network game functionality as well!

Morphever by Encore – New MorphOS Demo!

Hi everyone, Encore is back with another great demo for MorphOS! It is called Morphever and was released at the Decrunch Party this weekend in Wroclaw, Poland. The demo got 1st place in the Wild Demo competition. A video of the demo has been uploaded to YouTube by MDW/Encore: You can download it from MorphOS […]

Amigos: Everything Amiga Podcast 373 – Cannon Fodder

Hi there, Episode 372 of the Amigos: Everything Amiga Podcast has been released! In this episode, Boat and Aaron have a look at the classic game Cannon Fodder from Sensible Software. They also talk about recent Amiga news, such as the Amiga37 event in Germany. If you want to listen to the podcast instead of watching it, […]

Amigos: Everything Amiga Podcast 372 – Mortal Kombat II

Hi everyone, Episode 372 of the Amigos: Everything Amiga Podcast has been released! This time they (Brent and Aaron) discuss the well known fighting game Mortal Kombat II from Acclaim. They also talk about recent Amiga news. I have included the video from YouTube below: The podcast is also available on Anchor if you prefer […]

New Sam460LE Update from ACube Systems

Hi everyone, There has been confusion about whether the Sam460LE was in stock and available for purchase or not. I was under the impression that one could buy these boards from ACube System’s webshop and other retailers, but this was incorrect. ACube Systems has now posted news concerning the availability of the board, which you […]

New Sam460LE Update from ACube Systems

Hi everyone, There has been confusion about whether the Sam460LE was in stock and available for purchase or not. I was under the impression that one could buy these boards from ACube System’s webshop and other retailers, but this was incorrect. ACube Systems has now posted news concerning the availability of the board, which you […]

The Sam460LE – Now in stock! – Update: Not in stock after all

Update – October 10th – reports: “Acube Systems has just informed us that the information that the board is listed as “In stock” in the store is misleading. Currently, the boards are still in production, the published image is from pre-production. They had to be built to make sure they work as intended. According […]

October 4, 2022 - Amiwest 2022 OMG it's October

  • By: AmiWest
  • Posted on: 5 October 2022

Amiwest 2022 Sponsors have been updated and the raffle items are posted. Banquet ticket sales end Oct 10th so be sure to pick yours up today. We have some new sponsors and the DevCon is ON, check out the schedule page for details. Last item, we will not be accepting PayPal moving, see the website for details. Check out all the updates by clicking read more below.
