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PIXEL Moon Tutorial - Amiga - Brilliance II

PIXEL Moon Tutorial

If you want to learn how to draw Pixel art, one way is to copy another design. In this tutorial after an Amigan requested some help on an Amiga Facebook site, I decided to quickly create this tutorial to help on how to approach creating some Pixel Art. 

A more detailed posting accompanies this video on my Patreon Blog (free) as well as the source files.

Patreon Blog: 

A quick summary: 

Long time no see :P

 Hey my friends...

Took me quite a few years to return to what I loved most, but the past weird years, the community dragged me back and since October of 2022 I'm back on track!

I have many things I wanna share from the last 6+ months but I hope in the next days/weeks to start writing and tinkering again with my blog.

So thanks all for sticking all this time, and stay tuned for more...

Commodore 64 is alive in 2023

Although it is well known that I am a big Amiga fan, I also have a lot of love for the Commodore 64, which I still have and actively use in 2023. 

There is a lot of new release games, demos and even a new operating system for the Commodore 64 in 2023 to enjoy. So today I wanted to shine a light on the amazing world of Commodore 64 in 2023!

New Amiga 500 build

Lately I have been working on a new Amiga 500 build. I decided to pick up a second hand Amiga 500 locally to use for the build, and upgraded it with a bunch of updates which I will cover in this blog post.

RNOTunes – Version 1.1 Released!

Hi everyone, jPV of RNO is once again back with a new version of the RNOTunes multi-format audioplayer! This time it is version 1.1 and it contains a lot of changes: Please visit the official webpage of the program here to find information. The download can be found on OS4Depot.

M.A.C.E. Games Competition at – With prizes!

Hi everyone As we try to do every month, we have hosted a new games competition over at for the month of April. We are currently playing the game M.A.C.E. from Entwickler-X. The kind fellows over at Entwickler-X has sponsored this month’s competition. Thomas Claus has announced the following prizes: 1st Place: 3 EntwicklerX […]
