A Look At: Devil’s Temple – Son Of The Kung-Fu Master

I was a bit involved in this game last year until it reached a certain level of completeness and then I went quiet for months, post-covid stuff made me really, really quiet which I mentioned in a dedicated post a while back.  Anyway, this game is one of them that I helped out on but never finished (sorry Geezer) the task I was asked to help out with.


Misc Amiga upgrades and new games

 To say the last month has been busy is an understatement. I have had so much to do for work, setting up a new office in Japan, and other overseas projects also in progress.

Finding time for the Amiga has been challenging, with trips overseas in August and this month meaning little time to spend on playing with them. 

Thus spoke Dave

Computer programming came into my life by pure accident. In fact, as a 14-year-old that had just finished primary school, I didn’t plan to have anything to do with computers: I wanted to study agriculture. The actual reason escapes me now; was it because I’d been in the Scouts and wanted to work close to nature? I no longer remember. Anyway, for my next round of education I chose a local secondary, which at that time was a catch-all type of school offering specializations as disparate as Agriculture, Physics, and Information Technology.

The future of content creation on blogs in 2023

I saw a post from the blog website Vintage is the New Old this week announcing they are closing down the site. I was naturally sad to see this. I thank them for their work, and wish the creators well for the future. 

I am not at all surprised by the reasons why they are closing it down. It touched a nerve with me, so I wanted to make a small comment about it.
