Amiga 500 build Part 2 with Tank Mouse
Following on from my previous blog entry about my new Amiga 500 build, I have done a lot more with the Amiga 500 build since then, and wanted to cover it, along with looking at the new Tank mouse which arrived this week!
A Look At CyberPunks2
Commodore 64 is alive in 2023
Although it is well known that I am a big Amiga fan, I also have a lot of love for the Commodore 64, which I still have and actively use in 2023.
There is a lot of new release games, demos and even a new operating system for the Commodore 64 in 2023 to enjoy. So today I wanted to shine a light on the amazing world of Commodore 64 in 2023!
New Amiga 500 build
Lately I have been working on a new Amiga 500 build. I decided to pick up a second hand Amiga 500 locally to use for the build, and upgraded it with a bunch of updates which I will cover in this blog post.
RNOTunes – Version 1.1 Released!
Hi everyone, jPV of RNO is once again back with a new version of the RNOTunes multi-format audioplayer! This time it is version 1.1 and it contains a lot of changes: Please visit the official webpage of the program here to find information. The download can be found on OS4Depot.
TF1260.COM not working?
Noticed that is not working.
after a wordpressupdate the redirect stopped working. will check it.
Meanwhile use this link: TF1260 Information | John “Chucky” Hertell
M.A.C.E. Games Competition at – With prizes!
Hi everyone As we try to do every month, we have hosted a new games competition over at for the month of April. We are currently playing the game M.A.C.E. from Entwickler-X. The kind fellows over at Entwickler-X has sponsored this month’s competition. Thomas Claus has announced the following prizes: 1st Place: 3 EntwicklerX […]
AmiKit 12 released!
Games galore #34: Riamel Black Prophecy, Hyper Runner, Dungeoneer Turbo, Junior's Great Adventure, The Cthulhu Project
As always, lots of stuff happening: fantasy dungeons galore, a literally "classic" platformer, and, yes, a new 3D racing game!
Greaseweazle v4 - using real Amiga disks on Windows 11
It is very cool that in 2023 I can now use real Amiga floppy disks on my Alienware Windows 11 gaming PC, booting using WinUAE.
I can also run a X-Copy clone software called G-Copy to copy ADF and IPF amiga floppy disk images to real floppy disks. All thanks to Greaseweazle V4 hardware and some cool software!
Trains, Amigas, Japan and Czechia
Well, first up, my apologies for such a late first blog post for 2023. To say this year has been crazy busy has been an understatement.
I have been travelling overseas since after Christmas 2022 in Japan and Czech Republic, and only really came back to some normality around 2 weeks ago when I finally returned home.
AmigaOS 3.2.2 update is out!
AmigaOS is undoubtedly alive, as proven by Hyperion Entertainment and AmigaOS developer team, who have just released another update.
In a nutshell, this update brings improvements and fixes to IconEdit, ShowConfig, TextEdit, RAM disk, several gadgets (listbrowser, sketchboard, layout), window.class, boards.library, and a couple of other things.
Check out Hyperion's press release for full information and download:
Some like it raw
When you develop software, more often than not you face what is called an “implementation dilemma”: a crossroads type of situation where you have to decide which way to go next. What makes the situation tricky is that, unlike Dean and Sal from Jack Kerouac’s On the Road, you’re not free to make an arbitrary choice. Bad design decisions always have consequences, often unforeseen and usually bigger than smaller. Take a wrong step, and you end up in a lot of rewriting!
Feburary 21, 2023 - AMIWEST 2023 IS ROLLING!
AmiWest 2023 will be held October 12th to October 15th, at the Holiday Inn Express Cal Expo, in lovely Sacramento California. Click for more details!