Changing channel

  • By: JAmiga
  • Posted on: 3 January 2012

Picking up my networking work. I created a VMNetChannel which holds all socket/net-related operations and altering VMChannel to only contain file I/O. Looking at where VMChannel is used, I can only find the entries listed in the screenshot.

GDB on os4

Lately i start to write some research-kind article about aos4 internals from the 3d party coder perpective, and while i still works on it, i found that few parts of articles can fits to some small ones, about different aspects. Just something which can be interesting to read for some beginners. And so, as result i just make first one, which cover some first steps with GDB, for someone who not familiar with it, or just want something aos4 specific only.

GDB on os4

Lately i start to write some research-kind article about aos4 internals from the 3d party coder perpective, and while i still works on it, i found that few parts of articles can fits to some small ones, about different aspects. Just something which can be interesting to read for some beginners. And so, as result i just make first one, which cover some first steps with GDB, for someone who not familiar with it, or just want something aos4 specific only.

Bugs found and fixed, networking in progress

  • By: JAmiga
  • Posted on: 15 November 2011
Working on JAmiga's network support I discovered a bug in the class loading. An object of an class extending an abstract class, which in turn implements an interface, couldn't find the interface's methods. It took my quite some time to find that the class didn't search the extended class' interface, but only its directly implemented interfaces. Anyho
w, the fix was easy. So that's yet one bug down.
