Setting up my playroom on my new home

My friends,
I'm really sorry I haven't updated this blog recently but as some you know I had many stuff involved in real life.
First was the birth of my lovely daughter that takes a great deal of my attention these days, but also a misfortune of having to move house since my former owner wanted it for herself.
Moving was done in min August and I can say I finally finished EVERYTHING :)

AmigaOne Emulation Madness !!!

  One of my very favorite things about the Amiga from the very first day I got my Amiga 1000 back in 1986 was the fact that it could emulate other computer systems. The Commodore Sidecar was a hardware box that attached to the Amiga to provide hardware level MS-DOS compatibility (remember, Windows 95 would not be available for another 9 years!). 

My custom Micro AmigaOne 800MHz Amiga

  I got my AmigaOne motherboard in December of 2004. Wow, it seems so long ago! It came with the pre-release version of AmigaOS4 installed on the 80G hard drive. The motherboard and hard drive were tested and bought separately from the rest of the system. Here is what the motherboard looks like installed in my new case.

My first post!

  Well, I've finally decided to do it!  Yes, it is a blog site dedicated to my favorite computer, the Amiga! But even more specifically, to the next generation of Amiga Computers, the AmigaOne.
  I hope to add new blog entries periodically that give information about the AmigaOne computers that run AmigaOS4 and beyond. Amiga OS4, for those who do not know, is the next generation PPC based Amiga OS operating system licensed from AmigaInc to Hyperion, and is the original Amiga 3.1 Source Code updated to run on PPC AmigaOne Machines.

Apple from the Tree

I try to keep this post short. New update is available:

  • MacOSX Darwin PowerPC support is implemented.
  • Fixed address distance calculation for the PowerPC native relative branch instructions.
  • Refactored the boolean values to use TRUE/FALSE preprocessor defines.

Big thanks goes to Tobias Netzel, who implemented the MacOSX support for the JIT compiling and helped me chasing down one more sneaky bug.

Bug! *Splat*

Every developer knows the feeling when finally he/she finds a bug and slaps to the forehead while mumbling: "How on earth was this thing ever been working?..."

Well, it just happened to me, I have fixed a bug that stopped the ROM from booting. It was a rather stupid mistake (as usually); for the details check out the update.
In this other minor update I have fixed one more nuance with the wrong addresses in the dumped PowerPC code log.

The Guru has been taking in riddles again.

A few days ago I created a tool called NoYellow, it hack that is supposed to prevent the yellow guru mediation, from displaying, in the stone age when this guru meditations where created it was only Red Guru meditation, all crashes resulted back then in computer crash, in Workbench 2.0/AmigaOS2.0 or maybe later 3.0, the Yellow guru mediation was introduced, this was recoverable crash, well acutely many of the errors are not that critical as you might thing, many devices and libraries have there own error codes.

Optimize It

I am back from the holidays for sometime now, but I got swamped instantly by the work in my daytime job. I had very little energy on the project in the nights, which was spent on two things: chasing that #@!% bug which is killing me and implementing the data-flow optimization.
