Thus spoke Dave

Computer programming came into my life by pure accident. In fact, as a 14-year-old that had just finished primary school, I didn’t plan to have anything to do with computers: I wanted to study agriculture. The actual reason escapes me now; was it because I’d been in the Scouts and wanted to work close to nature? I no longer remember. Anyway, for my next round of education I chose a local secondary, which at that time was a catch-all type of school offering specializations as disparate as Agriculture, Physics, and Information Technology.

The future of content creation on blogs in 2023

I saw a post from the blog website Vintage is the New Old this week announcing they are closing down the site. I was naturally sad to see this. I thank them for their work, and wish the creators well for the future. 

I am not at all surprised by the reasons why they are closing it down. It touched a nerve with me, so I wanted to make a small comment about it.

July 13, 2023 - AMIWEST 2023 JULY UPDATE

  • By: AmiWest
  • Posted on: 14 July 2023

It's HOT in California and AmiWest planning is on fire! The Banquet ticket reservation form is now avaiable, A-Eon is a Gold show sponsor once more, raffle items are coming in, and our list of Amiga personalities is growing. Click to read more!

June 14, 2023 - AMIWEST 2023 JUNE UPDATE

  • By: AmiWest
  • Posted on: 29 June 2023

Our featured banquet speaker will be Garry Hare, former CEO of Amiga Inc., after a near two decades Garry will return to AmiWest to share his unique role in the History of the Amiga. Also, Trevor Dickinson has confirmed his attendance and the show rate at the hotel is open for bookings. Click for more details!

Denise V2.0 Amiga emulator

"Denise" is a new Amiga (and C64) emulator for Windows, MacOS, and Linux. And it's surprisingly good!

Development of "Denise" seems to date back to around 2017, when it started as a Commodore 64 emulator. In March 2023 author PiCiJi released version 2.0, which adds Amiga 500 and 1000 emulation. Running Fedora Linux, I gave it a quick try.
